Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Competition in the Telecommunications industry

Along with the swift currents of globalization, which involves an exchange of information demanded faster and faster across regions and countries, making the role of telecommunications is very important. Telecommunications as a vehicle for exchange of information will increasingly pay attention to aspects of service quality. Besides developments in the field of the current world of information so quickly, in terms of content and technology used to convey information.
Telecommunications technology is the fastest growing technology, along with the development of electronics and computer industries. Telecommunications technology trend is increasingly toward wireless technology (without cable). There are some indications that can be viewed on the process of development of wireless technology. Indications are: the shift to digital technology, the greater the capacity, the more simple devices, expanding coverage, better security and privacy, personality and the addition of other facilities. The direction of development of wireless technology, all headed into Mobile Telecommunications System technology. The technology can be approached from cordless technology, cellular (mobile) and satellite. The evolution of telecommunications technology currently has a tendency to switch via the radio, optical or satellite.
Mobile telecommunications is experiencing rapid technological diffusion due to limitations of conventional telecommunication technologies that require a long time to network development as well as waiting time for customers to obtain the connection. The relationship between competition and diffusion in the economic literature is often stated in the diffusion of technological innovation in general, more and more number of firms will be more rapid diffusion of innovation. Unlike in most conventional telecommunications industry still follows a natural monopoly market structure, mobile telecommunications since the switch from analog to digital monopoly market structure untenable. Innovations in technology have increased efficiency in the use of radio waves and eventually spektum bigger market size both for customers and operators. Furthermore it can be said that the growing market potential will encourage more operators into the industry. There are two reasons that often dikemukan to explain this:
• The development of technology will push many companies into the market.
• Competition in the market will increase with the speed of technology diffusion
This cellular telecommunications.
Digital technology has opened up opportunities to improve the overall system capacity due to more efficient use of spectrum. This will allow more than one operator to exploit economies of scale. In general the structure of the cellular telecommunications market becomes a duopoly or oligopoly. Because the more rapid development of five technology and capacity constraints have petered out, the more companies can enter the market and will increase the degree of competition.
To determine the existing trend of telecommunication industry, we must know beforehand the structure of industrial environment. Industrial environment is the extent of the external environment company which produces components which normally have the implication of a relatively more specific and direct influence on company operations. The development of an industry can not be separated from the principals of competition therein. Industrial structure has a strong influence in determining the rules of the game.

Sahabat museum For history and culture lovers

sahabat museum or Batmus for short, is a community that’s interested in Indonesian heritages, history, and culture. The main activity of this community is roaming around checking out historical sites in Indonesia to further explore Indonesia’s history and to preserve Indonesian culture.
Batmus was founded by its pioneer, Ade Purnama, after he joined Wisata Kampung Tua, a program held by Museum Sejarah Jakarta in july 2002. He thought that it would be a good idea to have an edutaintment program on Indonesia’s culture and history for everyone. From then on Ade Purnama or Adep, as he is usually called has been the chairperson of Batmus.
Even though its base is in Jakarta, Batmus may hold its activity called Plesiran Tempo Doeloe,anywhere in Indonesia: Jakarta China Town, Onrust Island, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Manado, Maluku… You name it!
For sure, joining a Batmus’ event will provide you with fun, enrich your knowledge, and deepen your love for Indonesia. So lets chek its website and join its next activity!

Kamis, 29 April 2010

Seven steps that can help release the stress:

1. Have realistic expectations

Many people put expectations / goals that are unrealistic for himself or others. Actually no one does, because there are wise words to say: "hang the sky-high ambition.".
Install the expectations / goals high can increase your abilities, but if the expectations / goals instead of negative stress can bring to you, you should reconsider the expectations / goals you are.
For example, suppose you currently earn 5 million / month, you then set goals like buying a BMW car worth 500 million within one year. Hmm ... not one you define a target buying a BMW, only the period is a realistic need to be made, say within five years. Assuming you've worked so hard and become a General Manager with income 40 million / month.
Need to be considered also for those of you who installed the expectations / goals for others (usually for children your fruit), that the ability of every human being receives the load and different pressures facing each individual. You should be able to see the ability of your whole team and put up reasonable targets that can be accepted by the entire team.

2. Active

Exercise can reduce stress, through release of endorphins, the hormone the body antidepressants owned, so says the experts. Sports activities such as jogging, swimming and aerobics can discard excess energy which if left untouched can be buried within the body. Something buried, whatever, is not very good.

3. Previous preparation

Stress is often caused by certain situations where you are located. Many people for example have a fear of public speaking. But I think all of us was definitely nervous and stressful at first to speak in public, is no exception. One of the most effective strategy to overcome this problem is you do best preparation, including visiting the location where you will start getting used to talking to you. Often people say, to get 'feelingnya' first.
You can also do exercises in front of your family or your friends. But I think in Indonesia, this rarely happens because our culture that lead to your very awkward to speak in front of them.
If you really want to become expert in public speaking, there are also training, like that held by Mr. James Gwee.

4. Make a break in between your day job

Many of us work in environments that require speed and accuracy. You are actually having the ability to measure stress level and your own energy. If you feel your head is very tired, do break. After all, if forced too, your focus will inevitably disrupted. As a result the quality of your work will decrease. If possible, go into the streets outside, like to the park for example, to clear your brain.

5. Reduce caffeine

Symptoms of stress such as anxiety are closely related to the amount of caffeine in your body. Many people drink coffee glasses in one day. Try to limit your coffee consumption of one drink a day maximum. Reduce caffeine helps you to sleep well and eventually you'll get more energy.

6. Enough sleep

Many people do not get enough sleep every day. Seven to eight hours a day is the recommended amount, varies between each person. You'll know when you get enough sleep, you'll wake up fresh every day (sometimes we wake up naturally before the alarm goes off), so you'll face the day with more energy.

7. Balance between work and play

People who did not allow himself to have fun will get a high stress level. Do not feel guilty when you indulge yourself with exercise, relaxation, entertainment and do your hobbies.

Dear readers, if you are already feeling the signs or symptoms of stress, I suggest you immediately take these tips above, so that your life becomes much better.

source: www.akuinginsukses.com

some body language that you have noticed when talking to someone:

1. Do not cross your legs and your hands.

You may have heard that crossed his arms or legs can indicate that you are closed to you and this other person does not create a good relationship conversation. Open always position your hands and feet.

2. Make eye contact, but not at him.

By making eye contact on the other person talks you can create a better relationship and you can see if they're listening to you or not. But also not to look at him (continuous), because it will make the other person you become restless.
If you are not accustomed to making eye contact on the speaker you, indeed you will feel discomfort at first. But do go ahead and you will get used someday.

3. Make the distance between your legs.

Gives the distance between the legs (not closed) in both standing or seated position indicate that you are pretty confident and comfortable with your position.

4. Santaikan your shoulder.

When you feel tense, you will also feel the tension in your shoulders. Usually seen from a slightly raised position and shoulder forward. Try to relax the tension by moving your shoulders and back backing or leaning back position.

5. Nod when the other person you're talking.

Nodding signifies that you really are listening. But that does not mean you nodded excessive (continuous and fast) like a woodpecker:), because you'll look like a made-up.

6. Do not bend, sit up straight.

Bending signifies that you are not passionate about, and upright intention here is to stay in the corridor relaxed, not tense.

7. Leaning, but not too much.

If you want to show that you are interested in what is conveyed by the other person you are, your body lean slightly toward him. But do not be too biased because you look like will be asking for something.
If you want to show that you are pretty confident and relaxed, lean your body slightly to the rear. But also do not be too biased, because you'll look arrogant.

Eight. Smiling and laughing.

Bercerialah, do not be too serious. Relax, smile and even laugh if someone told me something funny. People will tend to listen to you if you're seen as a positive person. But it also should not be the first to laugh if you own a funny story to tell her, because you will be impressed and nervous, like asking to be pitied.
Smile when you meet someone, but do not also smiled constantly as you will be storing things behind your smile.

9. Keep your head straight.

Do not look down when you talk to somebody. You will look like no other person comfortable talking with you and also looks like someone who is not confident.

10. Do not hurry.

This could apply to anything. For those of you who have the habit of walking quickly, try occasionally to slow down your street. Besides you will look more calm and confident, you also will feel your stress level is reduced.

11. Avoid movements that indicate that you are nervous.

Like touching your face, wiggle your foot or your finger tapping on the table quickly. Such movements indicate that you are nervous and can distract the other person or persons who talk with you.

12. Efektifkan using your hands.

Instead you use your hands for things that can distract your listener, as mentioned in point 11 above, it is better you use your hand to help explain what you have to say.

13. Lowered your drinks.

Often we talk to someone while holding a drinking glass in front of our chests. This attitude is somewhat less good because it will create a 'distance' is pretty much between you and your listener. Lowered position of your drinks, even if you have to hold it up near the feet.

14. Do not stand too close.

In my article: How to Know Someone Who's Lying, I had time to review a little that people who change their position becomes too close to his interlocutor may indicate that he is hiding something or have a specific purpose. In addition of course to make his interlocutor would be uncomfortable. Always keep a distance 'privacy' between you and your listener.

15. Reflecting.

In books on sale, I often find on the term of this prism. The bottom line when two people are connected and make a positive relationship talks, they will unconsciously mirror each other with each other. In a sense you will slightly mimic the body language of your listener, and vice versa.
You could also do a proactive glass techniques (consciously) to further improve the quality of your relationships and your listener. For example, if your speaker leaned forward slightly, you can also lean your body forward. If the other person you put a hand on the table, you can also do the same. But still need to remember, do not do artificial movements with a very short lag time and almost all movement imitated. Other person you'll see something strange and looked like a circus. :)

16. Always keep your attitude.

What you feel will be channeled via body language and can be a big difference on the quality of your relationships and your listener. Keep keep a positive attitude, open and relaxed.

Keep in mind that you can change the body language that is not well of course as long as you understand that to create a new habit that requires a process. Do not also try to do everything at once because it will make you confused and tired.

2-3 focus on body language alone is a priority and fix your continuous period of 3-4 weeks. After that time you'll create a new habit. Then you can continue it again for the next 2-3 body language.

GSM and CDMA Technology Competition

COMMUNITY began to feel the benefits of competition in telecoms and technology competition and rivalry
inter-operator business provides a profitable alternative. With the entry based TelkomFlexi
CDMA (code division multiple access), then the public can now enjoy mobile phone services
PSTN fixed phone rates. So cell phones are not luxuries anymore.

IN dealing with this competition, the role and consistency regulators fully tested. That is how policy and
telecommunications sector regulatory policy to give priority to public interests over the interests of the players

The main problem for governments is how to accelerate the addition of telecommunications infrastructure
in Indonesia. Telephone density (teledensity) has been only 3.7 percent, or an average of three phone calls between
hundred inhabitants. Obviously this figure will be even less for the rural areas or remote regions
can only reach 0.01 percent. Required technology breakthroughs and regulations to boost
Indonesia teledensity figures are already far behind compared to our neighboring countries.

In Indonesia, the liberalization of mobile business started in 1995, when the government began to open opportunities to
for private business mobile phone with full competition. Can be noted, how when the GSM technology
(Global system for mobile) come in and replace first-generation cellular technology that has been previously entered
to Indonesia such as NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone) and AMPS (advanced mobile phone system)

GSM technology is superior, higher network capacity, because the frequency spectrum efficiency. Now, in
period of almost a decade, GSM technology has controlled the market with the number of subscribers more than the amount
fixed telephone subscribers. This trend will continue because in addition to more interesting features, mobile phones are still
represents prestige, especially for the Indonesian people.

However, until now cell phones are still luxury goods, not all levels of society can
enjoy it. The tariffs are still very high compared with fixed line PSTN (public switched telephone
network), both for local and long distance communications (long distance), there is reached USD 4500 per
minute flat rate for long distance communication.

However, no matter what the tariffs offered by GSM mobile operators, because there is no other option, what should make, were taken as well.
Especially because the PSTN phone can not be expected. Thus, the introduction of CDMA technology promises an economical solution
to fulfill the obligation of government to accelerate the addition of the PSTN. Moreover, CDMA comes with
3G cellular technologies, which offer features more sophisticated than the GSM technology. This advantage
both can meet the lifestyle needs of modern society.

Why CDMA can be cheap?

One time a student in the elevator suddenly ask the question and I just berkometar, lest GSM
are overpriced. CDMA comes with a price of 200 dollars per SST (telephone unit), much cheaper
compared with other access technologies in Indonesia so far dared to give Telkom tariffs
cheap. In fact, CDMA is more advanced and superior to GSM.

If so, need to be questioned again how exactly the GSM cellular business climate for this include
the players who played behind all this. Starting from vendors, operators, and regulators, who are the most
benefited, although certainly not as a consumer society.

Especially if you note the cooperation scheme between the vendor with the operators in the procurement or purchasing patterns
technology. Pain again, is there any technology transfer that means a lot to our country? For nearly a decade, vendor-
enter the GSM network technology vendors and doing business in Indonesia, the fact we only used as a purchaser and
simply technology users.

Now with the introduction of CDMA technology from the other camp with a new business if it was from America, Japan,
Korea, or China, is expected to be more open business climate. It should be noted whether there was a new player in good faith
to enhance the empowerment of our human resources.

Of course the government and the operators should have a strong negotiating power, do not let them come
with a series of requests and requirements to facilitate their business, while we did not know what to ask
to their country. Although we do not have a competitive advantage in this technology, but market potential
promising, could be used as bargaining power, for example, to fight for a real technology transfer. Another thing
matters more is not to place reliance on one or two vendors such as we experience
previously with Siemens.

From the aspect of technology, either GSM or CDMA is a digital cellular technology standard, GSM only difference
developed by the countries of Europe, while CDMA from American and Japanese sides. But keep in mind
that the GSM and CDMA technologies derived from different lines so that the development of the generation 2.5 G and 3G
will be different next continues as can be seen in the scheme.

Therefore, we must carefully choose the technology. When we choose CDMA, then it must follow the path
CDMA continues to up-grade. Keep in mind, up-grade network technologies in a single lane will be easier and cheaper
migration compared to other technologies.

Network performance is the next criteria to be considered in technology selection. Performance of cellular networks
depends on the efficiency of frequency spectrum and sensitivity to interference due to spectrum
frequencies are very limited resources.

To improve the efficiency of frequency spectrum, so the frequency reuse technique re-Used,
re-use the same frequencies on another cell at a certain distance so there is no interference.
CDMA technology has a higher network capacity compared to GSM technology and frequency
the same can be used on any neighboring or adjacent cells though.
CDMA technology is designed not sensitive to interference. In addition, the number of subscribers in a single cell can
access at the same frequency spectrum band for using the coding technique can not
performed on the GSM technology.

Limited mobility

Mobility is a major advantage compared to cellular telephone technology and equipment. Each customer can
access networks to communicate from anywhere and here lies the difference with a fixed telephone.
The concept of cellular technology design ensures the mobility of each subscriber to communicate whenever and
wherever he was. So from the aspect of technology, there is no limit mobiltas customer even cruise (roaming)
can be done internationally.

If done restriction, especially if the limited use of the technology in just one cell, the customer can only
to communicate or use the phone within the coverage area of BTS (base transceiver station) where
he subscribed.

To Jakarta certainly very ineffective and inefficient because such customers who have a house in East Jakarta,
working in Central Jakarta, or shopping to Glodok, the phone could not be used. In addition, restrictions
These operators can be used to add antarsel roaming charges which would impair, complicate, or
fooling the public. Do not let the competition of business operators and community sacrificed. If
restrictions still want to do, of course, needs to consider a reasonable limit. For example, limits the scope includes
Greater Jakarta (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi).

This incident is not much different from what is faced by India about the year 2000 when the GSM operators worried
their business is threatened when the CDMA entry. The government gave permission CDMA-WLL mobile technology is operated for
accelerate their PSTN infrastructure, to achieve the target of 7 per cent teledensity in 2005.
Until now, the Government of India remained consistently maintain the CDMA technology, the mobility remains limited,
but large enough coverage area is approximately one province.

Facing the increasingly fierce competition and business cycles as well as the increasingly rapid technological competition, in
determining policies and discretion, regulators should look at from all points of view with a study
A comprehensive, not partial. And more importantly, be able to anticipate all the changes
possible so as not to miss continue.

Given the technological convergence of telecommunications with information technology, licensing policy should no longer
dependent technologies and services. Each operator is free to choose the most economical technology and is suitable for
enhance their competitiveness, in order to offer services to people with low tariffs. Regulators
really need to be independent, impartial to any technology or vendor.

Furthermore, the liberalization of this sector requires the regulator to maintain continuity of service to the community,
do not let that happen cherry picking may be done by new players. When they are caught, they
so just left without a moral responsibility to the public.
Usually these cases occur in developing countries where laws and regulations are still very weak, such as
never happened in India so that the strategic steps need to be prepared both by regulators and operators.
For example, to anticipate the competition, GSM operators should start thinking about alternative technology solutions whether
up-grade or migration.

Therefore, the role of government and regulators are still urgently needed to safeguard the interests of a community
countries, mainly in transition from monopoly to competition. For our country, which until now only be
purchasers and users of these technologies, would be a smart-smart choose the most economical and technological fit
with community needs and economic capabilities.
Do not get fixated on a technology or on just one or two vendors. We must be freely mobile, not
limited mobility.

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

LOL (lot of laugh)

Slapstick is an exaggerated depiction of physical action. This type of comedy involves lots o f practical joke filled with accident and violence. A bucket spilling when a door is opened and a man falling out of a window after being punched by another man are classic example of this genre. Who dosent know Charlie Chaplin, The Three Stooges, and Srimulat performer’s hilarious slapstick?.

is a humorous imitation of a well-know piece of music, litelature, news, a movie and many other things. It makes fun of its original source of inspiration in a satirical, ironic, and of course, humorous way. Many of PROJECT POP’s song are parodies. And Republik Mimpi is an excellent example of a parody that mocks the Indonesian political situasion. National Lampoon’s parody movies have made lots of famous Hollywood movies as their targets.

A Stand up Comedy
is aa one-maan show in which a comedian on stage speaks directly to the audience. Holding a microphone, the comedian tells the humorous sides of everyday trivia. It’s a funny monologue that observes the silliness of something that society takes for granted. Jerry Seinfeld and Ellen DeGeneres are two world-know stand-up comedians.

Laughing happily ever after

Psychological advantages
Laughter support a healthy psychological condition. It gives positive effect to emotional aspects such as perceived control, optimism, and acceptance of limitations. It also encourages out-of-the-ordinary ways of looking at things that will help us to find solutions to our problems.

Social advantages

Laughter, which is very a socially unifying trait, connects us with others. It brings people together and makes them feel part of something larger than themselves. As laughter is contagious, we can most likely help others around us to laugh more, and get the benefits of laughter as well. Sharing laughter together will break down barriers and tense situations. It can chase away lonely feeling and strengthen the bond among friends.

The Day's Today