Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

"Rapture" It's not 2012 but 2013

LAPAN (Institute of Aeronautics and Space) estimated peak solar storm cycle is not happening in 2012. Events that are often associated with 'the Hour' was going to happen in October 2013.

This was conveyed by Head of Magnet Applications Geomagnet and Clara Yono Antarika Lapan Yantini on the socialization of Space Weather Phenomena 2012 until 2015 at the campus of Udayana University, Jl Sudirman, Denpasar, Tuesday (9/3/2010). Socialization was attended by dozens of scientists from Southeast Asia, Japan and Russia.

This estimate differs from the 2012 issue predicted doom Maya. Society was much menghubungjan between these solar storms to the issue of end 2012.

"The cycle of the sun occurs in the period 2010-2015. Peak cycle, according to estimates Lapan, occurred in October 2013. Research by other countries are also expected in mid-2013 occurred," said Clara, also as a field researcher and Space Solar Lapan.

Lapan explain solar storms will resign in 2013 because up to now have not found any signs of extreme solar activity cycle as a peak.

Solar cycle occurred on average about 11 years. This cycle indicates the beginning, peak and end of the cycle. Today, the sun was having to cycle 24. While, the peak activity of the sun there was an explosion in the sun.

"It certainly affects antarika weather conditions, including causing a disturbance in the Earth," said Clara.

Effects due to peak solar activity causes climate change. Earth's temperature will rise and climate change. Solar particles penetrating the layers of the earth's atmosphere will affect the earth's weather and climate. The most extreme impact of causing droughts. "It is still studied by researchers," said Clara.

detikcom - Selasa, 9 Maret

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