Minggu, 04 April 2010

online selling tips

If you've read this article means you are interested in expanding your business network in cyberspace.
Here are some tricks for you in making an online purchase on the internet:

* Avoid naming your goods too general as cheap antiques, where there are sellers who want to sell goods with cheap price?? Name of the obvious stuff. In addition to direct consumers to know the goods you sell, your goods are more focused in the list of search engines like yahoo, google.
* If you have many goods, create one page for each item. More pages means more items in the index by search engines
* Make sure potential customers get a clear information about goods / services you offer. Write a description with a common language, do not use technical terms are difficult to understand. Pictures or photos is very helpful.
* Contact a clear and easily contacted. You certainly want consumers to easily contact you instead?
* Service satisfaction before or after the consumer membeli.Anda also build relationships with consumers. Reference directly from consumers is very influential than advertisements in the media.

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